From the course: Learning Music Licensing

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Getting your music heard

Getting your music heard

- [Instructor] There are a whole host of options for getting your music distributed to creative executives and music supervisors so they can hear it. Although it could be a really useful tool, there is no worldwide submission portal to get your songs heard by key music executives. Since this is the case, getting your music heard comes down to relationships, who you know. You have the option to tackle this yourself or you can enlist the help of a partner, a publisher, record label or pitching agency. Now, I'm going to take a little bit of time here to go over the differences between all of these options. There are pros and cons to all of them. I'll assume you're already familiar with record labels. They're those big companies like Atlantic Records, Capitol Records, et cetera that sign deals with artists for rights to their recordings and some deals also include the song's publishing rights. For now, just know that these companies' main duties include marketing, pitching, music PR and…
