From the course: Learning MotionBuilder
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Preparing characters for MotionBuilder - MotionBuilder Tutorial
From the course: Learning MotionBuilder
Preparing characters for MotionBuilder
- MotionBuilder is really good at animating characters, and it's one of the reasons why people use it. In order to get the most out of MotionBuilder's character tools you need to build your skeletons with MotionBuilder in mind. With that, let's take a look at what MotionBuilder needs in a skeleton and then export and import a skeleton into MotionBuilder. I'm going to use Maya and you can use really any software package that exports FBX and also supports character animation. I have a very simple mesh here of a robot, and within that mesh, I have a skeleton. Let me hide my mesh here, and you see I have a very simple skeleton. This is very similar to the skeletons you'd use in almost any package. The skeleton itself... Let's go ahead and turn on X-ray in Maya here, so we can see both of these... Has to have a fairly specific structure. It needs to have hips, which means a "(mumbles)" node here. We also need to have a couple of spine nodes. We don't have to have more than one, but we can…
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Preparing characters for MotionBuilder4m 6s
Characterizing generic rigs5m 10s
Characterizing 3ds Max biped rigs3m 52s
Characterizing Maya human IK rigs1m 54s
Creating control rigs4m 13s
Animating characters via control rigs3m 39s
Creating and animating character poses6m 21s