From the course: Learning MotionBuilder

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Animating characters via control rigs

Animating characters via control rigs - MotionBuilder Tutorial

From the course: Learning MotionBuilder

Animating characters via control rigs

- With the control rig added, we can start to manipulate our character. One of the things we can do is animate it. Let's take a look at how to animate a character with a control rig. One of the things you'll notice is that when you select a character, you'll get some additional options in your keys control panel. In addition to translation for rotation and scale, we have two other options, full body and body parts, which means we can animate the full body of the character and set a key for all the parts of the character. Or, we can do this a part at a time. In other words, words, a limb at a time. So, arms, legs, head, and so on. Let's go ahead and just manipulate a character and do some full body animation. I'm going to select my character here. Let's go ahead and move the hips a little bit. Maybe move the legs out. Now, I can select either here or here in the viewport. Sometimes, it's easier to do one over the other. Let's go ahead and just set up a nice simple pose here. So, we're…
