From the course: Learning MongoDB
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Sharding - MongoDB Tutorial
From the course: Learning MongoDB
- [Narrator] Going through an entire sharding setup is beyond the scope of this course. However, having a fundamental idea of what sharding is, and how it works is important, so, later, if you need it, you can have a smooth transition to a sharded server setup. Sharding is the concept of breaking up or partitioning your data across multiple servers. This can be helpful performance, and, overall, infrastructure, instead of scaling up, as your data grows, i.e., buying bigger and bigger servers, you can scale out or across multiple servers. You can also spread things out better depending on your usage. For example, if you need more disk space, but not as much RAM, you can max out your disk, and save some money elsewhere. Now, partitioning is possible with some other database systems, but almost all the time, it involves a lot of manual intervention, and pretty complicated setups. With MongoDB, we can auto shard our data…