From the course: Learning MongoDB
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Python - MongoDB Tutorial
From the course: Learning MongoDB
- [Narrator] So far, we've been working with MongoDB directly, and that's all well and good, but what about actually making applications with it? Luckily, there are drivers and libraries for a ton of programming languages and frameworks to allow us to do just that. Here we'll be starting with Python, but if you're more comfortable with JavaScript, or PHP, or Go, feel free to skip to those videos instead. Each one will cover the same examples. We won't be diving deep, or even talking about best practices, but there will be code files and some useful resources provided in the README files in the course's repo. So, let's get started. If you're installing this locally, the first thing you'll want to do is install PyMongo, which is the official Python driver maintained by MongoDB. You should see the link on your screen. Browse through and follow whatever the current instructions are. I used PIP for mine, so, this is…