From the course: Learning MongoDB

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- [Instructor] Unless you've already watched the Python or PHP videos, so far we've been working with MongoDB directly. Which is great, but what about making actual applications? Node JS is just one of many frameworks and libraries that have official drivers from MongoDB. again, if you're more comfortable with Python or GO or PHP, feel free to skip to one of those videos instead. Each one will cover the same sort of examples, but you can try them all out in the code spaces without setting anything up. We won't be diving deep, or even talking best practices but there will be code files and some useful resources provided in the readme in the course repo. For a local install, the first thing we'll want to do is go to the official node driver maintained by MongoDB. You can see the links in the lesson readme, or just Google it. Here, we'll be using NPM to install the driver, specifically at the 4.10 version, but whatever's the…
