From the course: Learning MongoDB

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Install MongoDB on Windows

Install MongoDB on Windows - MongoDB Tutorial

From the course: Learning MongoDB

Install MongoDB on Windows

- [Instructor] Okay, let's get started. First thing we're going to want to do is go to the MongoDB website, and look for the MongoDB Community Server download. I'm already here in the download page. You may need to browse through this menu here to find the community server. We're going to look for the MSI package. There are some other options here, but this will be the easiest way to install on Windows. The current version is 6.0, but this course is generally compatible all the way down to MongoDB 4.2. So we're going to go ahead and download this package here. Once that's done downloading, we'll get the wizard to install MongoDB, and we'll go ahead and click next and accept the license agreement. I'm sure you'll read the entire thing. We're going to just accept the regular default here, so we're going to do a complete install, and we're going to install MongoDB as a service so that anytime we reboot our computer,…
