From the course: Learning MongoDB

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Getting started with GitHub Codespaces

Getting started with GitHub Codespaces - MongoDB Tutorial

From the course: Learning MongoDB

Getting started with GitHub Codespaces

- [Instructor] Along with the Git repo, there's also a customized GitHub codespace that you can use to follow along with nearly this entire course. Within the codespace, MongoDB will be automatically set up for you and you'll have access to query the database, create or import your own data and generally just mess around without installing anything on your local machine and all within the browser. To use the codespace, start at the course's repo and press the green code button and then codespaces. You should see a local option and a codespaces option. I already have a codespace created, but I'll create one from scratch, just so you can see it working. It will be defaulted to two cores and four gigs of ram, which is plenty for this course to use. That should launch up a new window and start setting up your codespace. Once the codespace is started up, which may take a few minutes the first time, as we're installing…
