From the course: Learning MainStage
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Sets and concerts - MainStage Tutorial
From the course: Learning MainStage
Sets and concerts
- [Instructor] A set in main stage is a group of patches within a concert. Typically, I like to think of sets as representing either your set list for a particular show or a group of patches that involve a certain type of sound like pianos or organs or lead synths. Really, you can use them for any kind of grouping you like. You can create a set either through the gear menu or through the option command S shortcut. Here's a new set. And you can name sets in the same way you name patches, either by double clicking them or hitting return. (keyboard clicking) - Let's give this set a few patches. I'm going to select them all with shift + click, and then drag them into the set, and they're there. You can expand and collapse a set by clicking on the arrow to the left of it. There's also an option to do this in the gear menu. And let's give these patches names... (keyboard clicking) (keyboard clicking) - Patches can be…