From the course: Learning Logo Design

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- [Narrator] It's my hope as you conclude this course you realize that logo design entails a lot more than merely creating a graphic mark or symbol. It's about the totality of a brand and who they are in the minds of their audience. What does the brand stand for? Are their services trusted and how well do they treat those who interact with their business? The logos you create for your clients will represent their brand and needs to align with their business personality and aesthetic. Logo design isn't easy. It takes a lot of research, focus thinking and discipline to do it well. And even when you achieve that, there is no guarantee a client will like it. But don't let that intimidate you. Embrace the challenge, apply the process and methods I cover in this course and you'll see continued improvement in your work. Make sure to watch my companion course, Logo Design: Illustrating Logo Marks for a deep dive on the…
