From the course: Learning LabVIEW

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Execution stepping

Execution stepping - LabVIEW Tutorial

From the course: Learning LabVIEW

Execution stepping

- [Instructor] Highlight execution mode is a useful tool to slow down a program to watch how it executes. However, you cannot control it's speed. Sometimes highlight execution moves to fast to see what you want or it can sometimes be painfully slow. If you have a really big and complex VI it can take a long time for highlight execution mode to reach the part of the program you care about seeing. To have more control over execution for debugging, you can place breakpoints on VIs, nodes, or wires. LabVIEW will pause execution when it reaches a breakpoint so you can view probed wires and then continue execution when you're ready. The breakpoint tool can be found on the tools palette by holding shift and right-clicking and then selecting the red breakpoint tool. To demonstrate placing a breakpoint, I'm going to place a breakpoint inside of this subVI, named C2F, by right-clicking on it, selecting open front panel, press Ctrl-E…
