From the course: Learning Kubernetes
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Install minikube on Linux - Kubernetes Tutorial
From the course: Learning Kubernetes
Install minikube on Linux
- [Instructor] Minikube is software that lets you run a Kubernetes cluster using just your computer. In order to use minikube, you need a way to run commands in your terminal and you need to install a container runtime like Docker or Podman. This video assumes you have both ready to go. Minikube is a tool that can help you learn Kubernetes. It's free because you are not required to pay a cloud provider for compute resources, but minikube is not fit for production clusters because it runs locally on your computer and lacks the security and networking capabilities offered by cloud providers. Let's click on the Get Started section to install minikube on Linux. So we're going to scroll down and here's the installation instructions. I'm using a Linux operating system, I'm using an x86-64 processor, I want to download the stable release, and I'm going to download the binary release. So what I'm going to do is copy these…
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