From the course: Learning Kubernetes

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Check that your application is working with BusyBox

Check that your application is working with BusyBox - Kubernetes Tutorial

From the course: Learning Kubernetes

Check that your application is working with BusyBox

- [Instructor] Once you deploy something in your Kubernetes cluster, you want to verify that the application is working as expected. But how can you check? One way is to use a tool called BusyBox. BusyBox is known as the Swiss Army Knife of embedded Linux, and it's a binary that contains many well-known Unix tools like Awk, Date, Who am I and Wget? It's a good tool for debugging and troubleshooting issues in a Linux environment and Kubernetes runs on Linux. Let's create a pod running BusyBox. First, find and open the BusyBox dot YAML file. Like we did with our application, we're going to use a deployment to create the BusyBox pod. Unlike our other deployment, we're going to deploy this in our default namespace and run only one replica. Let's create the BusyBox pod with kubectl apply -f busybox.yaml. Let's check and see that the BusyBox Pod is up and running with the command kubectl get pods, looks good. Notice in that…
