From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad
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Working with paths - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad
Working with paths
- [Instructor] As you'd probably expect, Illustrator on the iPad has plenty of different ways to work with points. And, here is the shape that was created in the previous movie and I want to do some work on it. Well, I've double tapped on it to go into Direct Selection Mode. You could also just pick up the Direct Selection tool, it would have the same result. And, on the right hand side, the Penultimate icon going down, the three points, with the curved line going through, that's the Path Panel. And, this is where we can do things like cut a path, convert our points between corners and curves, simplify our path, which will get it to analyze it, and simplify it, we'll do that in just a moment. We've got Smart Delete and Delete. I'm going to choose the Simplify Path option and see how it does, do you know what, that's pretty good. I think that's done a really good job of doing it, but I think there's one point at least, I…
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Edit a document preset1m 27s
Import Assets2m 7s
Add Layers1m
Draw polygons3m 6s
Modify anchor points2m 53s
Use a flip transform1m 54s
Modify stroke weights2m 17s
Outline stroke2m 4s
Work with groups1m 37s
Combine shapes2m 16s
Pencil tool4m 8s
Convert combined shapes1m 3s
Add a linear gradient3m 5s
Layer options3m 23s
Pen tool4m 56s
Working with paths3m
Challenge: Draw the face31s
Solution: Draw the face5m 7s
Use path segments4m 58s
Gradient transparency1m 47s
Clipping masks2m 13s