From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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Use a flip transform

Use a flip transform

- [Instructor] Let's go ahead and rotate the leg that we've drawn just here like so. Let's go for about 30 degrees And you know what, there's a way we could make sure we were at 30 degrees using the properties on the right-hand side here. You can see that at the moment the value is what we had in the heart a moment ago if you saw it, 334.078. I'm just going to change that to 330 like so, because of course a whole circle 360. So there we are, we're exactly at 30 degrees. Perfect, now we've done that. I can tap to dismiss the properties and we'll take this into place just here like so. But we need a reflected copy. So let's go ahead and make a duplicate using the common actions toolbar here and drag this leg across. Now, I'm going to also use the touch shortcut to constrain it, okay, so that I'm dragging it in a straight line, as you would do with Shift in Illustrator on the desktop. Of course if you have a keyboard…
