From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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Understand Fill and Stroke

Understand Fill and Stroke

- [Instructor] In the previous movie we transposed the fill and stroke on our objects so we could see them with the black fill and a white stroke because, just as in the desktop version of illustrator, the default is a white fill and a black stroke. Now you've already seen the transpose arrows here and we can access the fill by tapping on this icon and the stroke by tapping on this icon. And you'll see that the color interface, which we'll examine more later on, is the same for both. Now, in the top region here where the color wheel is you'll notice around the wheel, there are four icons. So, there's an eyedropper, which we can use to sample colors, there's white, which is a commonly requested color to use, there's black, again which you sometimes want to reset to, and just to the right hand side, we've got the none icon and here that will remove the stroke completely. So you don't have to be quite as aware as you do in the…
