From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad
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The Home screen - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad
The Home screen
- [Instructor] When you first launch Illustrator on the iPad you should be prompted to sign in, and once you have done so, this or something like this is what you'll be greeted with. This is the Home screen, and this is where we can examine our recent work. You can see here, I've got two files here that I've worked on recently. I can also, just above that, start a new file. On the right hand side, I've got the option to see new and upcoming features, and above that, I've got access to my account and the app settings, just here. The one that I normally turn on straight away is this one, Palm rejection, by the way, so that I know that, when my hand is placed on the screen, it's not going to make a mark here, and what would happen if I double tap as well. So I examine those two and then come out of that. The synchronization status is the cloud to the left of that that tells you that everything is syncing properly, and if…
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