From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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Solution: Draw the face

Solution: Draw the face

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Well, I hope you manage to get on okay with that challenge and now I'm going to draw this for you and let's see how we compare, it's not that any of us is right. There's no right answer to this, it's interesting just to see how people's approaches vary but this would be mine. So I would go ahead and pick up the ellipse tool to start with and I would draw one of the ellipses for Jeff's eye, there, like so. I would then go ahead and get rid of the stroke there and give that a fill. So I'm just going to choose a color, remember, I don't like black with black, so I like blacks with a tiny bit of color in and I'm not alone in that, I know. And then I would duplicate that and drag that across to the other side just there. I would then duplicate it again, okay, and this time I would spin it around, like so, and resize it. So it's all nice and big, probably do it a slightly different color this…
