From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad
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Quick tour of the interface - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad
Quick tour of the interface
- [Instructor] The illustrator iPad interface is actually really lightweight and very, very simple and straightforward. On the left-hand side, just as is usual with the desktop version, we have a toolbox only nowhere near as busy as the desktop version. And just as in the desktop version we have small markers that show us where extra content can usually be accessed. Underneath that, as is common in the toolbox in the desktop version, we have the options here for fill and stroke. There are some additional options at the top of the screen here which we'll get into as we move through the course. And on the right hand side, we have some panels here. For example, if I expand the layers panel there by clicking on it and then go for the properties here. Okay, and so on and they can be collapsed down just by tapping on them again. Then of course, in the middle of the screen we have the document itself and then this small…
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