From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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Outline stroke

Outline stroke

- [Instructor] Let's go and draw the portal or the porthole for the lander, and we'll do that using the ellipse tool. So if I go ahead and draw a circle here for the portal. Something like that would be just fine. And I'm going to use the common actions area to move this into place, like so. I'm also going to use that to increase the stroke right here and make it significantly heavier. Now that's working pretty well. And I can go ahead and change the color for that stroke. I'm thinking that what I actually want here is sort of a very, very light blue, grey. So I'm just going to move that up to that region and then change the hue, something like that and make it a bit lighter. You can see where I'm going here nearly towards white but not quite that sort of region there. Perfect. What I'd like, however, is to have dark strokes around either side of that stroke. And that's achieved, of course, by outlining the stroke.…
