From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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Modify stroke weights

Modify stroke weights

- [Instructor] Let's do a little bit more work on our lander. So what we're going to do is select everything here we've drawn so far. We'll go back to the combine shapes options here, and once again we'll choose combine all. So that adds that in as another level, but we can still access everything inside of those parts. So notice if I double tap, now I'm going into a different level. And if I double tap again, then I'm into the first set that we combined. It's all interesting stuff. What we're going to do is we're going to just double tap outside of that and then select our combined element there, and we'll go ahead and we'll add a black stroke on it. We need to kind of modify the weight, really, because that's just a little bit too thin. So first of all let's change the color, let's go for something that's in the range of blue. Think it's always good if your dark colors have got a little bit of a color in them, or your…
