From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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Modify anchor points

Modify anchor points

- What we're going to do now are draw the legs for our lander. And I think before we do that, we'll just go ahead and select all of the things we've drawn here and we'll unite them to a single shape. So let's go across to the Pathfinder menu, just on the right hand side here, the combined shapes area. And I'm going to choose combine all. Okay, so all of those shapes are now added together. But you may notice that we can still see the original shape. Well that's because we can actually get in and change this in a way that we can do, if we hold down the alt or option key, when we create a compound shape in Illustrator. So if we just go ahead for example and double tap here on that triangle shape. If I wanted to make a modification there, such as making it shorter or longer, or any other modification, then I could do that. But when I tap away on the outside, okay, or double tap away on the outside, then it's still one…
