From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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Layer options

Layer options

[Art Instructor] Okay, we're going to add a new layer into our document now. And actually just before I do that I'm going to get rid of the stroke on my planet shape and I'm going to lock that layer, so I can't inadvertently do anything to it. So add a new layer, like so, which I'm going to drag down towards the bottom of the stack. So you see if I highlight it, like so, I should be able to drag that down. There we go. Just beneath there. And let's rename it. I'm going to call this one background, like so. I could have actually just done BG, like I normally do but there you are. There's background there like so, and we're going to draw another rectangle on this layer. So just draw a rectangle, like so. Okay, and then just pull that out to meet the corners there in all four directions like that. There we are. Perfect. That's pretty much the way it needs to be. Excellent. We'll go ahead now and add a radial…
