From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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- [Instructor] From time to time, of course, we all make the odd mistake and that's where our next tool comes in. The eraser tool, which is very invaluable in many ways. It can be used to create art as well as just remove mistakes. It is itself a brush tool, which can be evidenced down at the bottom here by the smoothness controls and also the availability of settings and size. So if you want to come along and iron out any of your little mistakes in things like this it's easy enough to do. You can see, you can just brush down like so and remove the things that you don't need. And iron them out. The smoothing will take care of some of that which sometimes slows it down just a tad while it's evaluating. If you use it in big chunks. If you do a lot of work in one go, then it will slow down just a tad while it evaluates and tries to smooth out what you've done. But you can, if I just draw a quick rectangle here, like so,…
