From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad
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Draw and arrange shapes - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad
Draw and arrange shapes
- Okay, what we're going to do in this chapter is we're going to get ourselves comfortable in Illustrator on the iPad and draw a nice, simple, straightforward camera icon. Okay. This is going to begin with the rectangle tool which we'll find over on the left hand side in the toolbox. Now, if you're seeing a different shape there like a circle or a triangle or a star, what you can do is long press and then you'll be able to choose the rectangle tool from there. Now we're going to go ahead, come out into the art board and simply draw like so. The proportions are not desperately important. Now immediately, we're going to see that a small heart has popped up underneath. That's heads up display, by the way, has popped up underneath the rectangle we've just drawn. This is called the common actions toolbar and we'll examine it more a bit later on. But for now we're just going to use this nodule move icon here just to…
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