From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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Convert combined shapes

Convert combined shapes

- [Instructor] Earlier on in the chapter, when we were creating the lander, you perhaps saw the advantage of the method of combined shapes in Illustrator on the iPad. That the original shapes were preserved and we could still go in and edit them if necessary. But what do we do if we actually want the resulting shape and just the resulting shape? Well, it's very, very straightforward and we actually find it in the same place in the combined shapes options. Right down at the bottom we have the option here to convert to path and that will remove all of the extra stuff and then you just end up with the path you need, which is frequently, I think the case, you might have something hovering around sometimes with all of the resulting shapes in it but then you want to apply something to it or use it in a different way. But, there you are, that's how you can convert the compound shapes, sort of things that it does there, into a…
