From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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Cloud documents

Cloud documents

- The Cloud document format, which is increasingly in use in Adobe applications, such as Illustrator, Photoshop and Adobe Fresco, is very, very flexible but you do get quite a lot of people that push back against it and don't like it. And I fail to see sometimes the logic in that because you can always bring a file onto a device at any point and keep it on the device. But the benefits, I think, far outweigh some of the drawbacks. For example, if I wanted to know what the version history of this particular file was, you can see that I have that option at the bottom, and by the way, while I'm in that neighborhood, look at the item two lines above make available offline always. Okay, so if I go view version history, just here, it will take me out. It will tell me when this was created and when all the different versions were and I could actually cycle through these, okay, and go to different parts of it, which is a…
