From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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Clipping masks

Clipping masks

- [Instructor] All right, what we're going to do in this movie is we're going to take a look at creating clipping masks. Now from an earlier movie, we still have the main shape of this helmet on the clipboard. In fact, if I just double tapped here on my screen, you can see that it's pasted down a copy of that, which I'm then going to delete. And we'll be using that shortly. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to draw an ellipse like so, and I am going to make it kind of look as if it would be on the side of that helmet. We'll move that up to about that point there. And this is definitely going to be in red. This one I'm then going to get the rectangle tool and I'm going to draw a rectangle that intersects with that, and just line those two up like that. And something we haven't used yet in the course is the star tool. So why not have a star logo on the side? In my original sketch, I've put a number on there, but I think…
