From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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Change the stacking order

Change the stacking order

- [Teacher] Okay. Let's draw another new element here. I'm going to draw a rectangle. Like so. So I'm going to go up towards the top of the art board and draw a rectangle just like this. I'm then going to round the corners off slightly and actually resize it out using the side handles here. And you'll see that the smart guides tell me when I'm at the boundaries of the document. There we go. That's in exactly the right place. Now I'm going to actually swap the fill and stroke over here just for the moment. But we already know, because we've just seen that our new objects just as in the desktop version, is created on top. So we need to change that stacking order. Okay. So what we're going to do is come down to the common actions toolbar, and the third icon in allows us to change the stacking order. So if I tap here to access that, we have something that we can drag to the right to move up in the stacking order and…
