From the course: Learning Illustrator on the iPad

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- [Instructor] The final tool we need to take a look at here in this course is the art board tool, almost at the bottom of the stack of tools, and it's where we can add further art boards. You can see here that we have many, many different presets to choose from and tapping on any one of those would create a new art board, but you've probably also noticed that the common actions toolbar has popped up and looks slightly different here, and that's because it's focused now on art boards, because if I needed to create a different version of this art board, or indeed just have a new art board, I could do so simply by tapping the duplicate icon just there, and you can see, I get a whole brand new copy of that. Once you do start using art boards properly by the way, it's a good idea to name them, so what you could do is come along and double tap on the name and give it something more meaningful perhaps than Artboard1 or…
