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Updating deals

Updating deals

- Once you have deals created here in HubSpot, you're going to be going back to those deals and updating information regularly. For example, the stage that the deal is in, perhaps the overall amount has changed, the dates. All of these can be accessed by going directly to the deal itself. And that's what we're going to explore in this movie. So you should be looking at deals from the sales dropdown. When you select deals, you'll see a list of all the deals you've created so far. We've only created one, our fall user conference, H&P. Clicking this link will take us directly to the deal details as well as you can see line items here under activity, we can access notes and emails and calls, but down the left-hand side is where we see some of the details that were added when we created the deal. If we want to see all of the properties, we can click view all properties down at the bottom left-hand corner. Now we can see…
