From the course: Learning Headshot Photography

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Don't use a smartphone

Don't use a smartphone

- I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that you bought the latest smartphone and it makes really great pictures. And it's true that these cameras built into your phone do a good job of recording color and resolution and they do good video, however, they're a wide-angle lens. Even the cameras with the portrait lens built into it, I would say that's still not telephoto enough for making headshots, like we want to do here. Also, the perception of using this camera is not what you want to give to your subjects. People who are coming for a headshot are already nervous, they don't want to be there, and if you show up to do it with this little tool, you're not giving them a lot of confidence in you. I highly recommend using a camera camera, not a phone that also makes pictures, to do your headshots. You'll give a better perception to your subject and it will be a lot simpler to work with lights and the settings you need to produce a flattering headshot.
