From the course: Learning Headshot Photography

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Camera height and tripod use

Camera height and tripod use

- I highly recommend that you learn to use a tripod to make your portraits. It gives you a lot more stability and repeatability, but even more that that it gives you personability. It allows me to have my camera set up in a similar aspect so that I can photograph multiple people and keep things looking very similar, kind of homogenous, and that helps my, all the portraits to look cohesive so that we have a good grouping of pictures. Now, it also allows me to be more personable because I'm not stuck behind the black box and I can walk over and talk to my subject and give him tips for how to look, I can fluff his collar, and I don't have a camera in my hand. And this is a big deal. Being able to interact with a person on a personal level without this mystery box of glass and metal in my hands makes a big difference in my rapport with my subjects. However, as you use your tripod there are some thing I don't recommend that you do. I don't think you should shoot downward on people. You…
