From the course: Learning Graphic Novel Storyboarding

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- [Instructor] Let's start by keeping it as simple as possible. How about we take a look at character placement within a conversation between only two characters? Seems simple enough, right? Show one character, show the other, show that other character again, and so on and so forth. But we definitely don't want things to get monotonous or boring, and more so than that, eventually, we're going to have to show both characters in the same panel like we have here on the top and on the bottom. But you'll notice something about these panels. One character, the man, is on the same side of the frame in both of them. Let's take a closer look at that. Here he is again on the right, and again, on the right. You can see in both of these panels, which is part of the same conversation, he's always on the right, even though the camera has now flipped, and we're no longer focusing on the back of the female. We're focusing on the front of the man. It's very easy to read, and we know what's what and…
