From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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Your custom action objective

Your custom action objective - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

Your custom action objective

- [Instructor] For our custom action, let's pick something that we do often that can be automated. For example, creating a release is easy enough to do manually. I'm looking at the release page for this repository, and to create a release, I could just click the create a new release button, and then, I would fill out the form, you know, give it a tag and a message, and then, I would click publish release, but I'm thinking it would be pretty cool to have an action that can create a release for me based on a keyword in a commit message. Let's say I'm working on a bug in my super cool project and I fixed it by adding a new file. Now I'm ready to commit the code, and in my commit message, I include a keyword like fixed, and I'll also say the bug has been squashed. Now when I push the code, my action would see the keyword fixed in my commit message and automatically create a release. That will save me some time since I won't…
