From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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Use runtime environment resources

Use runtime environment resources - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

Use runtime environment resources

- [Instructor] When a workflow is triggered, a virtual runtime environment is created to provide the workflow with a variety of resources. This includes compute resources, a local file system, environment variables, and event payloads. The compute resources available to actions in a workflow include a virtual CPU and memory up to 3.75 gigabytes. Actions are also provided with remote network connectivity. This is useful for connecting to external resources like APIs or Apache's repositories. The runtime environment also includes a local file system that allows the action to read and write files locally. This local file system offers space up to 100 gigabytes and includes paths to a home directory and a workspace for storing files while the action is running. The runtime environment also includes several environment variables that actions can reference for useful information. For example, there are variables for the location of…
