From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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Solution: Develop a workflow that creates an artifact

Solution: Develop a workflow that creates an artifact - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

Solution: Develop a workflow that creates an artifact

(upbeat intro music) - [Illustrator] Let's start our solution to this challenge by creating a new repository. I'm already logged in to my GitHub account and I'm at the URL here, I'll enter the repository name and I'll call it artifact. And the description is optional, but I'll go ahead and edit and I'll say creates an artifact. I'll leave the repository public but I will add a read me file and then click create repository. Now that we have our repository we need to add our workflow file and I can start that process by clicking add file, create new file. Now you may recall that our workflow files need to be in a very specific location in our repository and that is in a directory structure that starts with GitHub and then a sub-directory called workflows and then the workflow file name. So I'll start creating those directories by saying that GitHub here and then following that with workflows…
