From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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Solution: Develop a complex workflow

Solution: Develop a complex workflow - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

Solution: Develop a complex workflow

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Let's start our solution to this challenge by creating a new repository. I'm already logged in to my GitHub account, so I can browse to and that will start the repository creation process. First of all, we need to enter a repository name, I'll call this one complex workflow. And then also add a description, I'll just say, this is a complex workflow. And I'll leave it as a public repository. I will click at a read me file and then I'll click create repository. Once the repository is created, we need to add our workflow file, and I can start that process by clicking add a file, create new file. Now, we know that workflow files need to be located in a specific place in our repository, and that is within the .GitHub/workflows directory. And we can create that path here by entering those directory names. There's .GitHub, I hit a slash and enter workflows, another slash, and now…
