From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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Plan your CI/CD pipeline

Plan your CI/CD pipeline - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

Plan your CI/CD pipeline

- [Instructor] Now let's take a look at setting up a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions. The main goal of continuous integration is to find and resolve problems early in the development cycle. With continuous integration, developers work on their code in a local environment and commit their changes to a shared repository. Their code can then be combined, or in other words, integrated with code from other members of the team or any existing code. Continuous delivery follows continuous integration. In this part of the development cycle, the integrated code is compiled into artifacts and stored. To further improve the quality of the product, the artifacts can be used for additional testing before they're made available for deployment. And in a full continuous deployment cycle, artifacts are deployed to live environments which could be used for further testing or even production use. We can implement a CI/CD pipeline…
