From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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Plan a custom action

Plan a custom action - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

Plan a custom action

- [Instructor] If there is some very specific functionality that we need in a workflow, we can create our own custom action. Before we start though, let's make a plan with a checklist. We'll need a few things: an objective, a repository, a Dockerfile, and a script, and we'll also need an action.yml file for our metadata along with a read me file. Before we start coding, we need a solid objective. This will help us figure out exactly what our action will do. We can start by asking ourselves, what problem will this action solve? We can also ask if the action can be parameterized. If we parameterize the action, we'll be able to use it for more than just one purpose. We could probably ask more questions to figure out the requirements for our actions, but this should give us a good start. Next, we'll need a new public repository. Keeping our action code in its own repository will help with managing and versioning the code.…
