From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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Exercise files

Exercise files

- [Instructor] To help you get the most out of this course, exercise files are available for you to use. You can refer to these files to follow along or as a starting point for working with GitHub actions. After downloading the archive and unzipping it, you'll have a directory structure similar to this. Let's use chapter one, lesson one as an example. So, I'll CD into that directory, and let's take a look at the files that are in here. To work with the exercise files in GitHub, you'll need to create a repo and connect it to this directory. I've already created a repo, so let's take a look at that. GitHub has been helpful enough to give us all of the commands we need to connect our local workspace to this repository. I'll just click this keyboard here to copy all the commands and then go back to the terminal. Back in the terminal, I just need to paste the commands in. Sweet. Now let's see how this looks in GitHub, and…
