From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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- [Instructor] All right, we've reached the final stage of our pipeline. It's time to take all of our integration and all of our delivery and turn it into a deployment. I've updated the workflow with one more job named deploy. Like the build and test jobs, this job needs to authenticate with the project's service account so it can access resources in Google Cloud. After authenticating, the rubber hits the road in the step named deploy to cloud run. The final step in the job does one more test by curling the URL assigned to the deployed application. If this was a staging or QA environment, a more extensive tests might be appropriate, but the simple check for a 200 HTTP code is enough to let us know that the deployed application is up and running. You know what's next, let's run the workflow and check the output. In the final job and the penultimate step of our workflow, we finally get to a deployment. The gcloud run…
