From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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Deploy a custom action

Deploy a custom action - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

Deploy a custom action

- [Instructor] All of the files for our action are in place, and now it's time to actually test it with a workflow. I have a few tabs open in my browser to run the test. In this tab, I'm looking at a workflow for our super-cool-project. On line three, we see it will get triggered when the repo sees a push event. And on line 10, we see the call to the keyword release action followed by the GITHUB, TOKEN environment variable being passed in as a secret, and the argument with our keyword release target. In another tab, I'm looking at the Releases page for the super-cool-project. If all goes well, we should see a new release on this page after our action runs successfully. Let's go back to the Repo tab and trigger the workflow by making a small change in the README file. I'll just add some text here to the README file and how 'about testing the keyword releaser action? For the commit message, I need to make sure I…
