From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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Create a workflow

Create a workflow

- [Instructor] To do anything useful with an action, we need to start with a workflow. The main purpose of a workflow is to define the GitHub event that triggers execution of any actions the workflow contains. Workflows also define which actions will be run based on the event. Using these two features together, one repository can contain several workflows each calling different actions based on specific events. With that knowledge, let's start our workflow. I'm working in a new repository that I've cloned to my local file system. There's only a read me file here at the moment. So let's add a workflow. Workflows are stored in a directory named .github/workflows. So I'll create that location by entering mkdir -p .github/workflows. The -p option will create both directories at the same time. One thing we need to note about the .github directory is that on some operating systems directories that start with a dot are hidden.…
