From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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Building and managing artifacts

Building and managing artifacts - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

Building and managing artifacts

- [Instructor] After linting and checking our code, the next stage in our pipeline is the build process. The purpose of the build step is to compile a project's code and any dependencies into some sort of binary package. Binary simply means that the project's code has been transformed from a text representation into some sort of machine-readable format. For example, a C++ project would use the new C Compiler as a build tool for compiling code into executables. A builds step that creates archives would use tools like Zip, TAR and RPM to collect groups of files into a package. And in our case, we'll be using Docker as a build tool to create file system layers that would become a container image. These binaries, archives and images are known as artifacts. Artifacts are intended to exist beyond the life of the build process. Artifacts are stored in registries to keep them accessible. Not only do registries provide storage they…
