From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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Add actions to a workflow

Add actions to a workflow - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

Add actions to a workflow

- [Instructor] As we continue configuring our workflow, we need to add steps with actions and commands. For an action, we specify the uses attribute. This executes the actions code and a new process on the operating system. Because actions can contain multiple commands, actions can provide much more functionality in a workflow than just running one command after another. If we're adding an action with the uses keyword, we need to tell the workflow where to find the code for the action. Actions can be sourced from three different types of locations. The first type is a public repository. This would be any repository that's publicly accessible on They can also be located in the same repository as the workflow that's calling the action. And finally, actions can be sourced as an image from a Docker container registry like Docker hub. To source an action located on Docker hub, we would start with the keyword Docker,…
