From the course: Learning GitHub Actions

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Add a README file

Add a README file

- [Instructor] So far, we've put a lot into this custom action. We came up with an objective, made a Docker file and then coded and tested the entry point script with logic and commands that complete the action. We've also added essential metadata so our action can run in workflows. The last thing we need is a README file. Now, I have to be clear. A README file is not a requirement for an action to work. After all, the action will work perfectly fine without one. However, a README file is required if we want to share an action in the GitHub Marketplace. In addition, a descriptive and well-written README is strongly encouraged for explaining what your action does, how someone can use it and perhaps, even why they should use it in the first place. There are a few things we want to include in our README file, a headline with a brief description that clearly explains the action and the benefits of using it, specifics on any…
