From the course: Learning Fusion 360
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Front and back - Fusion 360 Tutorial
From the course: Learning Fusion 360
Front and back
- [Instructor] We've got our bike seat form roughed out, so now it's time to add a little bit of detail to the front and the back. Let's start with the front. So clearly with this sort of bottle-like flare, that's way too pointy. So we'll start out by opening up our selection set and picking our nose faces. And while we're at it, I might make a selection set too for the second ring right here. Okay. Right-click, create selection set, and maybe I'll call this Nose +1, as in plus one ring. Okay, so I'll start out by picking the nose faces. And in the top view, we'll click on modify. And then the type of modification I want to make is a translation, right here. So as I pull back and start to pull up, I can go smaller and smaller until I finally round that nose over, so it looks something like that. And we need to be careful when we do this that we're not overlapping any faces. So what I like to do is occasionally click…
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