From the course: Learning Fusion 360
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Automatic updates - Fusion 360 Tutorial
From the course: Learning Fusion 360
Automatic updates
- [Instructor] The first thing we want to do anytime we open up Fusion is to verify that we are online. So of course the computer needs to be online, connected to wifi, but then up here under the little clock icon, I can click and see that I'm working online here. So I can toggle that on and off to simulate working offline, it'll give me a little notification and a link to talk about all of the various differences that happen between online and offline. The couple that I've found, first of all, because rendering takes place up on the cloud up in Fusion 360's computer system, we wouldn't have access to rendering, we wouldn't be able to do certain kinds of studies, like crash tests, and things like that. Also, any access you have to collaborators on a project will be broken. And there's also some funky stuff that happens with files, and saving as well. And there's probably more than I'm not even aware of. So because…
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