From the course: Learning Docker

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Solution: Starting NGINX

Solution: Starting NGINX - Docker Tutorial

From the course: Learning Docker

Solution: Starting NGINX

(cheerful synth music) (music ends) - [Instructor] Thanks for trying this challenge. I hope that you enjoyed it. The challenge was to serve a website on engine X with Docker, given some configuration and the static site. Let's work through the solution together. The first piece of information that we're given, is to use the Engine X image from Docker hub. This makes our problem much easier to solve, because we do not need to create a new Docker file for this website. Next, we were told to name our container "website". We know that we will want to use "Docker run" if we're going the short way, or "Docker container create" and "Docker container start" if we're going the long way. I prefer to use the short way, so I'm going to erase this and use "Docker Run" instead. Since the container will have a name, we know that we will want to use the dash dash name option. The next thing we know is that we need to configure our…
